The Neurological Alliance of Scotland is an umbrella body of organisations that represent people with a neurological condition and those who support them. We know that by coming together we can ensure that the issues facing people living with neurological conditions are understood, and that services are improved.
All not-for-profit organisations working in the interests of people affected by neurological conditions in Scotland are welcome to join the Alliance.
Our current members
25% ME Group
The 25% M.E. Group is a unique nationwide community-based voluntary group. We have three paid members of staff and a number of volunteers - most of whom have M.E. We provide a range of services to people affected by severe M.E. (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis). Because of the intensity of the symptoms and disabilities experienced by severe M.E. sufferers we seek to alleviate the isolation which having this illness can cause. The 25% M.E. Group encourages: communication between members; participation in the Group at a number of levels; assistance with articles and information for the newsletter etc. These are just some of the initiatives employed by the group.
Action for ME
We take action to end the ignorance, injustice and neglect experienced by people with M.E.. We support people with M.E. of all ages across the UK, and their families, to access information, care and support that meets their needs, by phone, email and online. We also co-lead DecodeME, the world's largest DNA M.E./CFS research study
Alzheimer Scotland
Alzheimer Scotland is the leading dementia charity in Scotland. We campaign for the rights of people with dementia, their carers and families and invest in research that aims to not only find identify preventative measures and, ultimately, find a cure for dementia but also help people with a diagnosis to live well today. With fundraised income, we offer support through our extensive range of innovative and personalised support services. Our Freephone Dementia Helpline provides information and emotional support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year whilst our 21 Dementia Resource Centres offer a friendly, accessible environment. Our network of Dementia Advisors, Community Activity Organisers, Volunteer Coordinators, and Link Workers help to provide tailored person-centred support. We also engage with the local community to build a wider understanding of dementia through our Dementia Friends programme. Together we aim to make sure nobody faces dementia alone.
Ataxia UK
People with ataxia deserve care, understanding and a cure. We raise funds for medical research into finding treatments and a cure for ataxia - until we do, we will give support, advice and information for anyone affected.
Brain and Spine Foundation
The Brain & Spine Foundation provides professional information and support for every one of the 600+ neurological conditions affecting one in six people living in the UK. We provide free, expert help and support for any condition, and for anyone affected through our Helpline, peer support groups and health information. Alongside this, we conduct social research to influence change based on first-person insight into the reality of living with a neuro condition and trying to access treatment, care and support. We build community and self-help structures, giving a voice to the people in the neurological community and enable them to drive change and dramatically improve quality of life. The Brain & Spine Foundation is entirely funded by voluntary donations from our supporters; we receive no Government funding.
We believe in a world where people with a brain tumour and their loved ones are involved, resourced, confident and connected. They are living the life they want, to the best of their potential, because they are people first, and patients and carers second. We provide personalised support and build resources that help people with a brain tumour and their loved ones live the life they want after diagnosis. We work with people in the clinical setting to secure the best possible care for people with a brain tumour and we campaign to solve real issues, because we understand what challenges people with a brain tumour face. Our support is available to everybody affected by any type of brain tumour. Find out more about the ways we can help you thrive when living with and beyond a brain tumour below.
Cerebal Palsy Scotland
Cerebral Palsy Scotland is the only organisation in Scotland dedicated to supporting people with CP regardless of age or location. In Scotland, there is not enough specialist support and services for people with cerebral palsy and their families. Cerebral Palsy Scotland exists to close this gap. For twenty-five years, providing specialist intensive therapy using the Bobath concept has been at the heart of what we do. Alongside individual therapy for both children and adults, we bring the CP community together through organising group activities for a range of ages and stages, and work to share CP-specific information both online and face-to-face. Collectively, our services help people with CP build skills, knowledge, confidence and relationships and make the most of their abilities.
Child Brain Injury Trust
The Child Brain Injury Trust is the leading voluntary sector organisation providing emotional and practical support, information and learning opportunities for families and professionals affected by childhood acquired brain injury across the UK.
CMTUK is the UK charity dedicated to supporting people living with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, the most common inherited neurological condition in the world, estimated to affect 1 in 2,500 people and related conditions (including HNPP and GAN). They provide support, advice and information through their help-line, email, Support Groups, Facebook groups/page, website and publications, including a magazine (ComMenT) for members.
We deliver a comprehensive range of co-ordinated, person-centred, self-management support services and therapies for people living with MS and other long-term health conditions in a community- based health and wellbeing centre.
Dystonia UK (registered as the Dystonia Society)
Dystonia UK is children and adults with dystonia, carers and clinicians, fundraisers and families, medical professionals and our amazing members and supporters, all working side by side.
Edinburgh Headway Group
Edinburgh Headway Group Rehabilitation Day Support Edinburgh Headway Group aims to empower and enrich the lives of adults who have survived an acquired brain injury. We do this by providing high-quality person-centred rehabilitation services that support both adults with brain injuries and their carers: Rehabilitation: We help people improve their cognitive, physical, and emotional abilities to improve their quality of life and help them re-join their communities. Our Day Service provides an important part of our rehabilitation work enriching the lives of our service users whose opportunities to get out of their homes may be very restricted and many activities inaccessible. Support: We offer practical and emotional support to members and their families. Our Carers Project provides support to unpaid carers via social events, peer groups and offers training and information Awareness: We are committed to raising awareness about ABI to the wider public, the media and Parliament. Our external training programme provides Acquired Brain Injury Training to individuals and professionals.
Encephalitis Society
The Encephalitis Society is the only charity of any size anywhere in the world providing direct support and information to people affected by encephalitis (brain inflammation), raising awareness, and furthering our understanding of the condition through research for the benefit of patient outcomes. Since 1994, the charity has grown from a small, support group into an international community of over 13,000 members, and 2,000 professional members with scientific and medical expertise working in the fields of epidemiology, neurology, general practice and psychiatry. The small but mighty team of 18 staff is based in Malton, North Yorkshire, England, but we have a global reach, as well as volunteers based in Scotland. Everything the Society does is about increasing global awareness of encephalitis, saving lives, and building better futures.
Epilepsy Connections
Epilepsy Connections provides services that support people with epilepsy, their family, friends and carers, as well as the professionals working with them in the Greater Glasgow & Clyde, Forth Valley, and Ayrshire and Arran health board areas
Epilepsy Scotland
Epilepsy affects 55,000 people in Scotland. We are here to support anyone with this common serious neurological condition, their families, carers and employers. We campaign for improved healthcare and an end to stigma, we influence policies that will affect the health, educational and social welfare of people with epilepsy and provide quality information, support and wellbeing services.
FASD Hub Scotland
FASD Hub Scotland provide a support service for parents/carers (adoptive and biological parents, foster carers, kinship carers and step parents) across Scotland who live with children, young people and young adults who have a history of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE), with or without an FASD diagnosis. The service extends to provide a point of reference and training for professionals who work with and support these families (social work, education and other third sector organisations/charities) within Scotland. The support model enables information, advice, support, training, resources, and signposting to be provided through a variety of direct and indirect contact points. This enables families and professionals to engage at the point that best suits their needs.
FND Hope UK is part of the first and only global patient-led charity for people with Functional Neurological Disorder. Originating as a grassroots campaign, it uncovers the hidden world of FND and empowers those affected to live their best possible life.
Funding Neuro
Our aim is to accelerate the development of new treatments for many of the most serious neurological conditions.
Guillain-Barré syndrome is a rare autoimmune condition affecting the peripheral nervous system causing the nerves in the arms and legs to become inflamed leading to temporary paralysis. An estimated 1-2 people per 100,000 are affected by GBS annually in the UK with a further 1-2 per 200,000 being diagnosed with CIDP, a similar but longer-lasting condition. About 80% of those with GBS make a good recovery, between 5-10% of people will not survive and the other 10-15% may experience long term limited mobility or dexterity, to life-long dependency on a wheelchair. GAIN is the only national organisation in the UK and Republic of Ireland dedicated to supporting people affected by these conditions. GAIN receives no government funding, relying on the generosity of the public to support our work.
Headway is the UK-wide charity that works tirelessly to improve life after brain injury. We successfully campaign to raise awareness of brain injury and its effects and to reduce its incidence. We support people with our UK-wide services such as our nurse-led freephone helpline, Headway Emergency Fund and brain injury ID card. In addition, through our local network of groups and branches we provide rehabilitative support in locations across the UK. There are 13 groups and branches providing this support in Scotland. More information can be found on our website.
Headway Dundee & Angus
Headway Dundee and Angus (affiliated with Headway UK) is a free service, providing information and peer support, for people with an acquired brain injury (ABI) and their families and carers.
Headway Glasgow
Headway Glasgow are a group of people with an acquired brain injury, families, carers, friends, staff and volunteers who aim to provide information and support for people with an acquired brain injury (ABI).
'Leuchie House is a national respite charity which provides transformational holidays for people living with neurological conditions such as MS, MND, stroke & Parkinson's, and helps carers and families have a break from caring responsibilities themselves. Leuchie has been at the forefront of health and care for 60 years. Today they deliver transformational breaks in a highly regulated environment, through in-house neuro-experienced team of nurses, physiotherapist, occupational therapists, technology experts and carers.
Long Covid Scotland
Long Covid Scotland is a volunteer-led charity that provides support, advocacy, and awareness for people living with Long Covid in Scotland. The organisation supports individuals through peer networks and online communities. It advocates for better recognition, healthcare, and support services. It raises awareness by engaging with policymakers, the NHS, and the public. It also campaigns for improved research, treatment options, and financial support for those affected. Long Covid Scotland engages with the Scottish Government, NHS Scotland, and other stakeholders to push for meaningful action on Long Covid.
ME Action
#MEAction Scotland is a volunteer-led group determined to raise awareness of ME in Scotland and campaign for health equality for the patient community. We are an affiliate of #MEAction UK
ME Association
We provide information, support and practical advice for people, families and carers affected by M.E. (Myalgic Encephalopathy), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome (PVFS). We also fund and support research, and offer education and training.
MND Scotland
MND Scotland is a helping hand of support for people with motor neuron disease (MND) and their loves ones. We provide vital support and information, fund ground-breaking MND research to bring us closer to a cure, and campaign to fix a broken system and secure lasting change. Together, we will make time count.
MS Society Scotland
We’re the MS Society Scotland – a community of people living with multiple sclerosis, scientists, campaigners, volunteers and fundraisers. We understand what life’s like with MS, and we support each other through the highs, lows and everything in between. And we’re driving research into more – and better – treatments. For everyone. Together, we are strong enough to stop MS.
MS Therapy Centre Tayside
A self-help group, supporting people affected by Multiple Sclerosis. With no Government or NHS support, we rely on donations and fund raising by members, their families and friends, businesses and organisations to raise the funds we need to continue. Without these generous efforts we would not be able to continue to offer our worthwhile treatments. Established in 1982, Dundee was the very first MS therapy centre offering Oxygen therapy. (Oxygen administered via a mask while under pressure in a decompression chamber). Our client base covers not only Tayside but extends into Fife. There are now over 64 similar centres around the UK, all providing support to those living with MS. Other therapies we offer are: Physiotherapy, Acupuncture, Chiropody, Aromatherapy, Reflexology and Swimming, Physio Led Exercise classes & Tai Chi Largely a therapy centre for people with MS, Oxygen therapy is also used by people with sports injuries, M.E., circulatory problems, to name but a few. At Peddie Street we have an excellent team of paid employees, health professionals and many helpful volunteers.
MS Trust
The MS Trust is here for everyone affected by MS, from the moment of diagnosis and throughout your journey. We're here for you today, tomorrow and every day after, making sure a life with MS isn't a life defined by MS
MSA Trust
The Multiple System Atrophy Trust is the UK and the Republic of Ireland's leading charity supporting people affected by multiple system atrophy (MSA) – a rare neurological disease with no known cause or cure.
Multiple Sclerosis Centre, Mid Argyll
Multiple Sclerosis Centre, Mid Argyll supports families affected by long term conditions across Mid Argyll, Kintyre, Islay and Jura.
Muscular Dystrophy UK
Muscular Dystrophy UK is working with individuals, families and professionals to bring forward the day when there are effective treatments available for all muscle-wasting conditions.
My Aware
Myaware is the only organisation in the UK that supports those who have myasthenia. Myaware raises awareness of myasthenia, as it is a rare condition, we provide support for those who have myasthenia and their families whilst offering advice and tips for living with the condition. We campaign for better medical services for people with myasthenia and work to inform medical professionals. We fund research for new therapies to reduce the impact of the conditions and ultimately find a cure. Members of myaware have full access to a wide range of support services and events including our specialist benefits advisor and telephone or Skype counsellor.
Narcolepsy UK
Narcolepsy UK is the UK charity supporting persons with Narcolepsy, Cataplexy, Idiopathic Insomnia, along with their families, friends, employers etc. Our objectives are to provide relief and aid to those persons suffering from narcolepsy, and our principal activities to achieve these objectives are: The promotion and organisation of conferences and exhibitions relating to narcolepsy and its effects; The promotion of, and/or assistance in promoting and carrying out: research, surveys and investigations into narcolepsy and its effects; Creating the funding strategies that make this work possible; Arranging and providing exhibitions, meetings, lectures, classes and training courses; Collecting and distributing information via the Narcolepsy UK media portfolio comprising website, and social media. Our vision is to help provide a world where narcolepsy is understood and people with narcolepsy have the support they need to ensure that their rights are upheld and that they have the same opportunities as others in society.
Nerve Tumours UK
Nerve Tumours UK fund a unique Specialist Support Network, comprising regional nurses, a national helpline, clinical guidelines, information days, an interactive website and online communities, to help the 26,500 children & adults living in the UK, who are diagnosed with NF (Neurofibromatosis Type 1, NF2-related-Schwannomatosis & Schwannomatosis), alongside their carers, families, and all associated medical professionals involved in their care. They also support & collaborate in research with leading medics, UK Universities and associated international bodies.
Neuro Central
Neuro Central will be a base where people living with neurological conditions can get help, support and advice in a friendly, relaxed environment, so nobody has to feel alone!
Neuro Hebrides
Neuro Hebrides supports neurological patients and their carers by promoting positive health and wellbeing in the Western Isles. Neuro Hebrides was founded and is run by people who have lived experience of either having a neurological condition or supporting someone who has one. Neuro Hebrides provides a community for shared experience and understanding for those living with or caring for someone with a neurological condition in the Western Isles. It is a positive, ‘can do’ organisation that whilst accepting the challenges its members may face, encourages all members to make the most of the opportunities available to them and live their best possible life whilst managing their condition.
Neuro Therapy Network
Neuro Therapy Network represents a thriving group of independent therapy centres throughout Great Britain, and in Gibraltar and Jersey. We provide support, training, and operational guidance to member centres, as well as promoting their work nationally so that more people living with neurological and other life-limiting conditions can access their services.
Orthostatic Tremor UK Support Group
Orthostatic Tremor is a life-changing, unremitting progressive, neurological condition with no known treatment or cure. It causes a lack of balance limiting mobility, social isolation, depression, possible loss of employment and restricts many pleasure activities.
PANS PANDAS UK is the only UK charity supporting children and families living with the neuropsychiatric conditions PANS and PANDAS. We provide information and community support to people affected by PANS and PANDAS and their families. We work with medical professionals to develop better healthcare services for our community. We raise awareness of the symptoms and treatment options for healthcare professionals so that they are better equipped to recognise when a person may have PANS or PANDAS and we provide training in educational and social care settings so that families and children living with these conditions receive the support they so desperately need.
Parkinson's UK
We are Parkinson's UK Scotland. Powered by people. Funded by you. Improving life for everyone affected by Parkinson's. Together we'll find a cure.
PSP Association
PSPA is the only UK charity dedicated to improving the lives of people living with PSP & CBD. We provide information and support, whilst funding research into treatment and ultimately a cure
Revive MS Support
As a Centre of Excellence, we aim to be the main driver of new and improved services setting new standards for MS care across Scotland so that our clients' resilience and wellbeing are maximised.
Scottish Head Injury Forum
SHIF is a registered Scottish charity, founded in 1993. It is a national umbrella organisation representing the interests of survivors of brain injuries, their families, and those who work with them. SHIF hosts 3 open forums a year throughout Scotland providing networking, education and awareness raising opportunities for brain injury survivors, families/carers and professionals working in the field. Membership is free to brain injury survivors and their families/carers, to find out about membership options for attending our events visit the SHIF website.
Scottish Huntington's Association
Scottish Huntington's Association (SHA) is a Scottish charity that was established by families living with Huntington's disease (HD) in the late 1980s. Experiencing directly the dearth of services available to them, the organisation pursued the goal of setting up specialist family support services and this ultimately blossomed into the development of an extensive network of specialist services.
Scottish Post Polio Network
To ensure all Polio survivors in Scotland have access to appropriate Health and Social Care: and the support to maintain independence and live their lives in dignity.
Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Scotland
Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Scotland seeks to increase public awareness and understanding of individuals with spina bifida and / or hydrocephalus and allied conditions. It aims to support all those affected, to identify their needs and empower them to make informed choices and decisions
The B12 Society
The B12 Society is a Scottish registered charity first launched in September 2015. We are all volunteers and began as a patient group with four founder members who still serve as trustees, each taking our own role as committee members working together to support those who experience vitamin B12 deficiencies and provide accurate up-to-date education on the condition for health professionals. We have now grown and are proud to have health professionals and other patient volunteers making up our associate committee. Along with keeping abreast of the latest studies and research on vitamin B12, we are writing a vitamin B12 education programme for health professionals, and are part of The B12 Alliance group with CluB-12 and Pernicious Anaemia Society. We also host an online support group called Vitamin B12 Wake Up helping and advising people who have, or think they may have, the condition. With over 46,000 members, we are the world's largest vitamin B12 deficiency support group, so have a huge resource to conduct surveys from and collect anecdotal evidence from people in each corner of the globe. With an increasing number of health professionals joining this group, the demand for our advisory services is also growing.
The Brain Tumour Charity
The Brain Tumour Charity is the world’s leading brain tumour charity and the largest dedicated funder of research into brain tumours globally. Committed to saving and improving lives, we’re moving further, faster to help every single person affected by a brain tumour. We’re set on finding new treatments, offering the highest level of support and driving urgent change. And we’re doing it right now. Because we understand that when you, or someone you love, is diagnosed with a brain tumour – a cure really can’t wait. Phoneline: 01252 749990
The British Polio Fellowship
The British Polio Fellowship is a charitable organisation dedicated to supporting and empowering the many tens of thousands of people in the UK living with the late effects of polio and post-polio syndrome (PPS). It provides information, welfare and support to those affected, to enable them to live full, independent and integrated lives and campaigns to raise awareness of PPS.
The Migraine Trust
The Migraine Trust is the UK’s lead migraine charity, providing information and support for the one in seven people in the UK who live with this complex and debilitating neurological disorder. We also play a key role in campaigning for increased awareness and understanding of migraine, and national policy and health system change to improve the lives of people who live with migraine. Our services include a freephone helpline that’s open Monday to Friday, as well as a web chat and email service plus online and in-person information events.
The Oxygen Works
The Oxygen Works provides oxygen therapy and personalised support and treatments to people living in the Scottish Highlands with a wide range of medical conditions to improve their health and well-being.
The Scottish Centre for Children with Motor Impairments
The Scottish Centre for Children with Motor Impairments works with families and partners to deliver integrated learning, therapy and care for children in Scotland, we support the enablement of children affected by motor impairments to achieve their potential and fulfil their ambitions. We specialise in providing support for children and their families affected by acquired brain injury, complex and multiple learning disability and rare congenital and genetic disorders. We have particular expertise in working with children and supporting families affected by Cerebral Palsy and Rett Syndrome. We offer integrated learning, care and therapy for children from birth to 19 years. Our services include an independent school, nursery services, short term intensive residential programmes, an assessment service, group programmes and individual child and family support. Services are provided on site at our Cumbernauld base, in family homes, at partner facilities throughout Scotland and through video link practitioner directed therapy sessions. In addition to direct support to families, the Centre also offers partnership working, support and guidance for practitioners working with children and families affected by childhood disability.
Tourette Scotland
Tourette Scotland are the only charity in Scotland dedicated to supporting adults, children and families living with Tourette Syndrome and its co-existing conditions. We offer support groups across Scotland, outreach, training for schools, colleges and workplaces and online support via our social media pages and website.
Transverse Myelitis Scotland Support Group
Established in 2003, we have more than 100 members in Scotland and meet quarterly in different venues throughout the country. During the present climate we have Zoom meetings. Our group is affiliated to the SRNA and also the TM Society. Whether you have Transverse Myelitis, ADEM, AFM, MOGAD, NMOSD, Optic Neuritis, or any related conditions, sharing experiences with others living with the condition helps you to feel less isolated so you are welcome to join us.
William Quarriers
The William Quarrier Scottish Epilepsy Centre provides the only residential assessment and treatment centre in Scotland for adults with epilepsy. Our independent hospital, operated by Quarriers, provides unique epilepsy services to patients and clinicians across Scotland. Our modern 12-bed inpatient facility provides flexible, patient-centred residential assessment for adults aged 16 years and over. The centre also provides outpatient and telemedicine clinics. Quarriers provides Epilepsy Community Outreach support to people in their local communities who live with epilepsy, as well as their families, carers and professionals who support them. The outreach provision is available across the North-East and other areas (Fife, Moray, Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire).
Our associate members
Associate membership is open to both individuals and groups who do not represent a neurological charity, but who share interests with our members across policy areas including the health and social care workforce, unpaid carers, disability benefits, housing and the third sector generally.
Associate membership incurs no fee and is limited to one individual per organisation.
If you are interested in joining as a member, please contact
- Carers Trust
- Carers of West Lothian
- Connecting Carers
- Public Health Scotland
- Queen's Nursing Institute Scotland
- Voluntary Health Scotland